I am using the Amazon Web Service to send push notifications directly to a device. After I install the app I get the device id, that I need to manually add to the Amazon SNS. I would like to know if there is anyway to register the device id directly with the amazon server the moment the user starts the application.
I have read this, but found it difficult to understand. Does anyone have any previous experience of how to do this?
EDIT 2 (What I have done so far)
I've followed the instructions from this link
I download the snspobilepush.zip file as instructed and extract and import the project into eclipse. I add the GCM project number, add the jar files and run the application. I get my device registration Id.
I open the Amazon SNS, add my device id and I publish a message. I receive the message on my mobile phone. Works great so far.
I would be having a lot of potential users for my application. So adding every device id manually to the SNS makes no sense. I need the Amazon SNS to directly register my device id when I start the app. Is there any option for me to do that? I couldn't find any definitive answer in the docs.
This link tells me to Use the "AWS Token Vending Service". However, I could not find any example of how to do that.
This is working for Firebase and Cognito. An AsyncTask is necessary to avoid running on the Main Thread.
Using the AmazonSNSClient documented here:
it should be possible to register using code similar to this:
It was not liking my ARN, but that was a stupid typo that Reid pointed out and is now fixed above.
There is Android AWS SDK available to use. Check out the documentation link: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSAndroidSDK/latest/javadoc/
Also, more information available: http://aws.amazon.com/sdkforandroid/