I'm trying to change the client_max_body_size
value, so my nginx ingress will not return 413 error.
I've tested few solutions.
Here is my test config map:
kind: ConfigMap
apiVersion: v1
proxy-connect-timeout: "15"
proxy-read-timeout: "600"
proxy-send-timeout: "600"
proxy-body-size: "8m"
hsts-include-subdomains: "false"
body-size: "64m"
server-name-hash-bucket-size: "256"
client-max-body-size: "50m"
name: nginx-configuration
namespace: ingress-nginx
app: ingress-nginx
These changes has no effect at all, after loading it, in the nginx controller log I can see the information about reloading config map, but the values in nginx.conf are the same:
root@nginx-ingress-controller-95db685f5-b5s6s:/# cat /etc/nginx/nginx.conf | grep client_max
client_max_body_size "8m";
client_max_body_size "1m";
client_max_body_size "1m";
client_max_body_size "1m";
client_max_body_size "1m";
client_max_body_size "1m";
client_max_body_size "1m";
client_max_body_size "1m";
client_max_body_size "1m";
client_max_body_size "1m";
client_max_body_size "1m";
client_max_body_size "1m";
client_max_body_size "1m";
My nginx-controller config uses this image: quay.io/kubernetes-ingress-controller/nginx-ingress-controller:0.13.0
How can I force the nginx to change the value? I need to change it globally, for all my ingresses.
I have been experiencing the same problem and no solutions were working. After reading through countless blogs and docs that all had the same suggested solution I found that they have changed the naming convention.
It is no longer denoted by "proxy-body-size" or this just never works for me.
link below shows that the correct configmap variable to use is "client-max-body-size"
To set it globally, this configmap.md documentation might be helpful. Turns out the variable to set is
, notclient-max-body-size
.When you deploy the helm chart, you can set
--set-string controller.config.proxy-body-size="4m"
.You can use the annotation
to set the max-body-size option right in your Ingress object instead of changing a base ConfigMap.Here is the example of usage: