I'm new to AngularJS but I really like the way AngularJS works so I want to deployed it as client side for my Google cloud endpoint backend. Then I immediately get two problems:
1, Where to put the myCallback, so it's able to work into the ANgularJs controller?
<script src="https://apis.google.com/js/client.js?onload=myCallback"></script>
2, How I'm able to do the oauth2? and how the controller knows if the user authorized?
gapi.auth.authorize({client_id: myCLIENT_ID,
scope: mySCOPES,.....
Any help is appreciated.
Here you have details on how to use angularjs with google endpoints:
Regarding the callback - In order to access an Angular controller you need to use an injector (http://docs.angularjs.org/api/AUTO.$injector)
Simply create a global callback function, and then get reference to the controller from it like this:
In this example I'm injecting the data to the rootScope, but this will also work for a specific controller scope (just inject $scope instead)
Can't help with the second question as I'm not familiar with gapi, though making auth2 calls from angularjs is quite straight forward.
For loading Google Javascript Library with AngularJs, the callback function passed to onLoad of Google Javascript Library is the function that bootstrap AngularJS, like this:
This goes to the final of html file:
Then, in
section you bootstrap angular like this:As described by Kenji, you also need to remove ng-app directive from your html.