getting this error message in ubuntu. in pg_hba.conf file, I tried using 'ident','peer','trust','md5' in different times.but no go. please help.
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It might be came from malicious traffic, check if the logs repeated almost each seconds like below
Lets verify TCP Traffic on port 5432 using tcpdump command
If this is the case then set firewall rules and necessary securities to combat bots or unwanted traffics.
in your pg_hba.conf
if it does not work then try with
then restart your data base it will work fine
If the username and password are correct then
is the correct value. Make sure you restart the database process or at least have it reload the configuration after modifyingpg_hba.conf
.I noticed that I've created my user with an expiration date of yesterday. It also gave me the password error. I've opened pgadmin3 and in the users list at the bottom I've changed the expiration date of the problematic user.