I already run a gitlab server inside a docker container with an external nginx server inside an other docker container, so the gitlab nginx server is deactivated. Now I want to use the docker registry included in the gitlab server.
I try to get the information from the administration manual: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/administration/container_registry.html
and use a fitted nginx config from linked file: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/blob/master/lib/support/nginx/registry-ssl
to the gitlab.rb I added:
registry_external_url 'url'
registry_nginx['enable'] = false
registry['enable'] = true
But if I try to login (docker login url), I only get an 502 Bad Gateway error. I also tried some other configuration with ombinations, but gotting always the same error. Do anybody get it work? Need I to add more settings to the omnibus file or is it still not possible to use the gitlab internal docker registry with omnibus and external nginx?
ok i got it work.
Maybe the nginx configuration of Andrioshe also work, but I did some change and mix up with other configurations while trying. I think a configuration file for normal docker-regsitry will also work... will try it in future.
But the more important thing is the gitlab omnibus configuration.
I also had the same problem like you and got it to work with the following:
After editing the both files you have to restart nginx and gitlab
I faced the same issue after updating Gitlab from docker.
Just fixed by adding :