Can’t run Apache Spark on Docker.
When I try to communicate from my driver to spark master I receive next error:
15/04/03 13:08:28 WARN TaskSchedulerImpl: Initial job has not accepted any resources; check your cluster UI to ensure that workers are registered and have sufficient resources
Second is more common reason for docker case. You should check, that you
Without handling all 3 issues spark cluster parts(master, worker, driver) can't communicate. You can read closely on every issue on or use container ready for spark from
If problem in resources, try to allocate less resources(number of executors, memory, cores) with flags from Check how much resources do you have on spark master UI page, which is http://localhost:8080 by default.
This error sounds like the workers have not registered with the master.
This can be checked at the master's spark web stool
You could also simply use a different docker image, or compare docker images with one that works and see what is different.
I have dockerized a spark master and spark worker.
If you have a Linux machine sitting behind a NAT router, like a home firewall, that allocates addresses in the private 192.168.1.* network to the machines, this script will download a spark 1.3.1 master and a worker to run in separate docker containers with addresses and .11 respectively. You may need to tweak the addresses if and are already used on your LAN.
pipework is a utility for bridging the LAN to the container instead of using the internal docker bridge.
Spark requires all of the machines to be able to communicate with each other. As far as I can tell, spark is not hierarchical, I've seen the workers try to open ports to each other. So in the shell script I expose all the ports, which is OK if the machines are otherwise firewalled, such as behind a home NAT router.
After running this script I can see the master web report at, or go to another machine on my LAN that has a spark distribution, and run
./spark-shell --master spark://
and it will bring up an interactive scala shell.