I'm writing some simple jasmine tests and I'm getting an exception since the code I'm testing is looking for a form that doesn't exist because there's no DOM when testing a js file only: $("form")[0]
in the tested js file leads to:
TypeError: $(...)[0] is undefined
I read a bit about jasmine-jquery and realized I can use some html fixture with an external html file. That flow seems quite messy, since all I need to do is only to add an empty valid form so that the test (which focusing on something else) will run, something like <form></form>
appending would be enough I think.
At first I thought that sandbox() function will be the solution, but it seems that it creates only divs, and I need a form.
Any simple way to add some elements by using only code in jasmine spec file?
The simplest solution is to add the form to the DOM by yourself in the before block and then delete it in the after block:
Also writing your sandbox helper isn't that hard:
You should use sandbox() to create a div and create a form element and append to sandbox, this is the safer way to jasmine take control to this fixtures in the DOM.
Another approach is to use jasmine fixture
See also: SO: dom manipulation in Jasmine test