In older version of Alamofire. This is how I download file
let destinationPath = Alamofire.Request.suggestedDownloadDestination( directory: .documentDirectory, domain: .userDomainMask);, urlString, destination: destinationPath)
.progress { bytesRead, totalBytesRead, totalBytesExpectedToRead in
// print(totalBytesRead)
.response { request, response, _, error in
let downloadedFilePath = destinationPath(URL(string: "")!, response!);
NSUserDefaultsHelper.saveURL(downloadedFilePath, key: urlString);
completion(downloadedFilePath, true);
But now in the new version, my code is completely unusable and there is no similar function in the Alamofire library.
Any ideas please?
Use this code for download file
I used to use this statements:
For more details read more in Alamofire docs about Migration to 4.0:
Downloading mp3 file with Alamofire 4.0 Swift 4.x
Since almost all samples seems to be about downloading an image or a JSON file, it took me hours to find the right solution.
I will share it here hoping it would help others to save some time.
There are several enhancements in Alamofire 4. The first of which is the optionality of the destination closure. Now, by default, the destination closure is nil which means the file is not moved anywhere on the file system and the temporary URL is returned.
This is the default execution:-
This is my code to download file with Alamofire 4.0 which return destination Url of file:-
Swift 4.0
Swift 3 Alamofire (4.4.0):
.plist add key "App Transport Security Settings->Allow Arbitrary Loads->Yes" if you copy and paste code below: