I am struggling to write an AND conditional filter in log4net. Had it been nLog, I could have written it this way:
<logger name="*" minlevel="Info" xsi:type="NLogLoggerRule" writeTo="FooLogger" >
<when condition="equals('${event-context:item=UserID}', 'TESTUSER')
and equals('${event-context:item=URL}','/foo/foobar.aspx')"
action="Ignore" />
I am not sure how to write the same filter in log4net. I have been so far successful, in writing a single condition:
<filter type="log4net.Filter.PropertyFilter">
<key value="URL" />
<stringToMatch value="/foo/foobar.aspx" />
<acceptOnMatch value="false" />
How can I write AND conditions using log4net filters? Please help.
You can create custom filter for your business needs:
Configuration will look like this:
Also you can create compound filter, but I didn't find way to use it in configuration. Looks like it could be attached only programmatically (which is useless ^_^):
Here is trick that you can use - create filter, which will check all filters down the filters chain:
This filter will deny logging message if all subsequent filters will deny it.
A custom filter supporting AND conditions. This class exposes Filter property so existing log4net filters can be used here and also one can have nested AND conditions if required.