I've read around many questions but I've not been able to find the right answer for me.
As I try to compile a project in VS2012 I have this result:
The command "....\tools\bin\nuget pack Packages\Lib.Html.nuspec - OutputDirectory ....\bin\Zip\Packages -NoPackageAnalysis" exited with code 1.
I looked for the line of code in my .csproj file, where the error should be, and there is:
<Exec Command="$(ProjectDir)..\..\tools\bin\nuget pack $(ProjectDir)Packages\Lib.Html.nuspec -OutputDirectory $(OutputPath)Packages -NoPackageAnalysis" />
What am I doing wrong?
[EDIT] Launching the Debug of that project and ignoring "building errors", I have a new alert:
"Visual Studio cannot start debugging because the debug target '[project.exe path]' is missing. Please build the project and retry, or set OutputPath and AssemblyName properties appropriately to point at the correct location for the target assembly."
For me, in VS 2013, I had to get rid of missing references under References in the UI project (MVC). Turns out, the ones missing were not referenced.
Right click project -> Properties -> Build Events
Remove the text in Post-build event command line text block