I'm currently reading the book Growing Object-Oriented Software Guided by Tests which gives a decent introduction into test driven development.
One drawback is that the code developed through the book is based on Swing. For my next project I'd like to use Java FX 2 and I'm wondering if there are any GUI testing frameworks out there for it? The book introduces windowlicker, which allows testing Swing applications only.
Another library (which I have not used or tested) is TestComplete.
There is a library named JemmyFX. Jemmy itself is a set of libraries and tools to test UI applications (mostly Java-based: Swing, AWT, SWT; but it's being extended to native right now). JemmyFX covers JavaFX for that matter.
JemmyFX can be downloaded as a part of the test branch of OpenJFX 2 (open-sourced part of JavaFX).
For JavaFX 8, the test branch includes support for new controls and other fixes.
According to Eclipse site, the modern testing tools for JavaFX in the year 2015 are Squish and Jubula . But Squish is commercial. And Jubula is partly free - JavaFX belongs to that free part. And in the Eclipse Mars version already exists the testing distribution. Uses Jubula for UI testing.
There's a new test robot called MarvinFX:
This other post shows how to use assertions and rules with MarvinFX.
Jubula is now totally free, and does indeed support JavaFX.
Automaton is another testing library for JavafX and Swing GUIs born out of the same team that did TestFX