I am processing data from a set of files which contain a date stamp as part of the filename. The data within the file does not contain the date stamp. I would like to process the filename and add it to one of the data structures within the script. Is there a way to do that within Pig Latin (an extension to PigStorage maybe?) or do I need to preprocess all of the files using Perl or the like beforehand?
I envision something like the following:
-- Load two fields from file, then generate a third from the filename
rawdata = LOAD '/directory/of/files/' USING PigStorage AS (field1:chararray, field2:int, field3:filename);
-- Reformat the filename into a datestamp
annotated = FOREACH rawdata GENERATE
REGEX_EXTRACT(field3,'*-(20\d{6})-*',1) AS datestamp,
field1, field2;
Note the special "filename" datatype in the LOAD statement. Seems like it would have to happen there as once the data has been loaded it's too late to get back to the source filename.
A way to do this in Bash and PigLatin can be found at: How Can I Load Every File In a Folder Using PIG?.
What I've been doing lately though, and find to be much cleaner is embedding Pig in Python. That let's you throw all sorts of variables and such between the two. A simple example is:
Have a look at Julien Le Dem's great slides as an introduction to this, if you're interested. There's also a ton of documentation at http://pig.apache.org/docs/r0.9.2/cont.pdf.
-tagSource is deprecated in Pig 0.12.0 . Instead use
will give you the full file path as first column
Refrence: http://pig.apache.org/docs/r0.12.0/api/org/apache/pig/builtin/PigStorage.html
You can use PigStorage by specify -tagsource as following
The first field in each Tuple will contain input path (INPUT_FILE_NAME)
According to API doc http://pig.apache.org/docs/r0.10.0/api/org/apache/pig/builtin/PigStorage.html
The Pig wiki as an example of PigStorageWithInputPath which had the filename in an additional chararray field: