I am using windows 10 task scheduler to run tasks that require me using my personal user account (its necessary to use my user and not system user because of permission issues - I am part of an organization). In windows 7 computers everything worked fine but as we upgraded to win 10 I cant run the tasks without using the System user (as mentioned before it doesn't work because of permissions). I get the following error
Additional Data: Error Value: 2147943726
all I found online was an advice to use the system user other then that nothing :-(
please save my day.
here is a picture of the settings that I want to change.
Today I got the same problem, (HRESULT) 0x8007052e (2147943726) "unknown user name or bad password"
My solution: was to Re-Asign the User on the "Change User or Group" button to get the lattest Active Directory information of the User.
Then I could Run the Task Again...
After reading this post this is what worked for me. Go to properties of task Under General tab, at the bottom of that window you will see Configure for: Change that to the system you are using (in my case server 2012 R2) hit ok and enter your password.