I am using windows 10 task scheduler to run tasks that require me using my personal user account (its necessary to use my user and not system user because of permission issues - I am part of an organization). In windows 7 computers everything worked fine but as we upgraded to win 10 I cant run the tasks without using the System user (as mentioned before it doesn't work because of permissions). I get the following error
Additional Data: Error Value: 2147943726
all I found online was an advice to use the system user other then that nothing :-(
please save my day.
here is a picture of the settings that I want to change.
I had to select the option to "Do not store password. The task will only have access to local computer resources.", which was fine based on what the task was defined as. For me, I suspect some sort of recent patch or security hardening caused this as it seemed to move through our environments at similar but different days.
What I realized is that failure is tied to a password expired policy. The PC got a sort of "frozen" state for the scheduler until a new password is set. The problem is solved once the new password is taken into account by the system.
Highly recommended to perform a little change for the scheduler to ask a new password entry and update the task.
We had the same problem with Windows 2012 server machines being cloned on a vmware ESX server. The clone/deployment script used sysprep to make every machine individual. With this the users assigned with the scheduled task got screwed up. Our solution was to re-generate the task via batchfile during startup of the machine:
You can also simply edit the properties of each task (you don't have to change anything), hit ok, and you'll be prompted for your new password. "Conveniently", I didn't see a way to do all of them at once.
I had the same issue with the windows task scheduler.
The reason for the failure is the recent change in the password of the system user which was configured at the time of task creation.
Thats it !
I know it is a late answer, I had the same issue today, a schedduled task I had created a long time ago and stopped running a week ago. Turns out i had changed the password for my username which was the issue. once I went back to the task, made a chance I was asked for the password again.