How do I make the background of a Textview
about 20% transparent (not fully transparent), where there is a color in the background (i.e. white)?
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Here's a programmatic solution from @Aromero's answer to calculate the hexadecimal value for the alpha channel. :)
Use the below code for black:
Now if I want to use opacity then you can use the below code:
And below for opacity code: and all opacity level here
Hex Opacity Values
If you always to forget what code for transparency then you must have to see below link and no worry about to remember anything regarding transparent code :-
There is an XML value
that takes double values.Since
API 11+
the range is from0f
being transparent and1f
being opaque:android:alpha="0.0"
thats invisibleandroid:alpha="0.5"
full visibleThat's how it works.
Alpha ranges between 0(transparent) and 1(opaque) in Android API 11+
See Popularity below textView using this
btn.getBackground().setAlpha(128); // 50% transparent
tv_name.getBackground().setAlpha(128); // 50% transparent
You can manage color opacity changing the first 2 characters in the color definition: