not sure how well this will work, but here is one method that uses a while loop and sleeps the thread. This is just an example, you can replace the game loop below with a better one, based on how you would do it in any other language. You can also find a better while loop here
let gameRunning = false;
async function runGameThread(){
gameRunning = true;
// this function allows the thread to sleep (found this a long time ago on an old stack overflow post)
const sleep = ms => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
// the game loop
let start = new Date().getTime();
await sleep(start + 20 - new Date().getTime());
function stopGameThread(){
gameRunning = false;
function gameUpdate(){
// do stuff...
Would this do?
Where 25 is your desired FPS. You could also put there the amount of milliseconds between frames, which at 25 fps would be 40ms (1000 / 25 = 40).
not sure how well this will work, but here is one method that uses a while loop and sleeps the thread. This is just an example, you can replace the game loop below with a better one, based on how you would do it in any other language. You can also find a better while loop here