I am using AWS Amplify library to sign up and perform Auth for an AppSync project. This uses Cognito. However, when a new user signs up via Amplify/Cognito, the new user isn't assigned to any specific group in the cognito pool. I am using the Amplify higher order component for login/signup.
import { withAuthenticator } from 'aws-amplify-react';
which I wrap over a component
class Authenticator extends React.Component {
//... basically empty component, only exists so I can wrap it w/ the HOC
export default withAuthenticator(Authenticator)
Amplify is set up in index.js
import config from './aws-exports';
import Amplify from 'aws-amplify';
aws-exports.js was autogenerated by AWS Mobile Hub CLI. Looks like...
const awsmobile = {
'aws_app_analytics': 'enable',
'aws_cognito_identity_pool_id': 'us-west-2:XXX',
'aws_cognito_region': 'us-west-2',
'aws_content_delivery': 'enable',
'aws_content_delivery_bucket': 'flashcards-hosting-mobilehub-XXX',
'aws_content_delivery_bucket_region': 'us-west-2',
'aws_content_delivery_cloudfront': 'enable',
'aws_content_delivery_cloudfront_domain': 'XXX.cloudfront.net',
'aws_mandatory_sign_in': 'enable',
'aws_mobile_analytics_app_id': 'XXX',
'aws_mobile_analytics_app_region': 'us-east-1',
'aws_project_id': 'XXX',
'aws_project_name': 'flash-cards',
'aws_project_region': 'us-west-2',
'aws_resource_name_prefix': 'flashcards-mobilehub-XXX',
'aws_sign_in_enabled': 'enable',
'aws_user_pools': 'enable',
'aws_user_pools_id': 'us-west-2_XXX',
'aws_user_pools_mfa_type': 'OFF',
'aws_user_pools_web_client_id': 'XXX',
export default awsmobile;
I got it working. As mentioned by Vladamir in the comments this needs to be done server side, in a Post Confirmation lambda trigger. Here is the lambda function.
You will also have to set the policy for the lambda function role. In the IAM console, find the role for this lambda and added this inline policy. This give the lambda the keys to the castle for everything cognito so make yours more restrictive.
Cognito won't know which group a newly signed-up user needs to be a part of. You have to programmatically (or manually) assign the user to a specific group. Once your code places the user into a specific group, the JWT ID token will contain a list of all of the relevant groups/IAM roles that this users is a part of.
More info on groups here.