For instance, is there a way to nest my "i18n" helper inside another helper's hash variable?
{{view "SearchView" placeholder="{{t 'search.root'}}" ref="search" url="/pages/search" className='home-search' polyfill=true}}
For instance, is there a way to nest my "i18n" helper inside another helper's hash variable?
{{view "SearchView" placeholder="{{t 'search.root'}}" ref="search" url="/pages/search" className='home-search' polyfill=true}}
Update: Handlebars now supports subexpressions, so you can just do:
Your scenario is not directly supported, but there a couple of workarounds you can use. The handlebars helpers are just javascript code, so you can execute them from within the helper code itself:
And just pass the i18n key to as the argument:
This is nice, as long as your helper knows which arguments should be localized, and which not. If that is not possible, you can try running all the helper arguments through Handlebars, if they contain a handlebars expression:
And use the nested template syntax you described:
I realize neither of these options are perfect, but they're the best I could think of.