I am using "Google.Apis.Bigquery.v2 Client Library" with C#.
I am authorizing to Google BigQuery using "Service Account" (see http://www.afterlogic.com/mailbee-net/docs/OAuth2GoogleServiceAccounts.html). To create the X509 certificate I use the p12 key from the Google Developers Console. However, right now the json key is the default. Can I use it instead the p12 key?
I have the following code:
string serviceAccountEmail = "xxxx@developer.gserviceaccount.com";
X509Certificate2 certificate;
using (Stream stream = new FileStream(@"C:\key.p12", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read))
using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
certificate = new X509Certificate2(ms.ToArray(), "notasecret", X509KeyStorageFlags.Exportable);
// Create credentials
ServiceAccountCredential credential = new ServiceAccountCredential(
new ServiceAccountCredential.Initializer(serviceAccountEmail)
Scopes = new[] {
// Create the service
BaseClientService.Initializer initializer = new BaseClientService.Initializer()
HttpClientInitializer = credential,
ApplicationName = "My Application",
GZipEnabled = true,
BigqueryService service = new BigqueryService(initializer);
var projects = service.Projects.List().Execute();
It is now possible (I used v of Google APIs).
Example for BigQuery:
Example for Google Sheets:
I got the link, Which indicates Service Account Authentication using JSON file in C# application is not yet added in Google BigQuery API.
This is working for me:
Obviously, you would provide your own values for the
variable and for the path to the key file. You would also need to get theGoogle.Apis.Auth.OAuth2
Nuget package plus whatever other service-specific package you plan on using the credential with (in my case it isGoogle.Apis.Drive.v3