Below is the hive table i have created:
column1 type, </br>
column2 type
LOCATION '/exttable/';
In my HDFS location /exttable, i have lot of CSV files and each CSV file also contain the header row. When i am doing select queries, the result contains the header row as well.
Is there any way in HIVE where we can ignore the header row or first line ?
If you are using Hive version 0.13.0 or higher you can specify "skip.header.line.count"="1" in your table properties to remove the header.
For detailed information on the patch see:
There is not. However, you can pre-process your files to skip the first row before loading into HDFS -
Alternatively, you can build it into where clause in HIVE to ignore the first row.
Lets say you want to load csv file like below located at
Now, we need to create a location in HDFS that holds this data.
hadoop fs -put /home/test/que.csv /user/mcc
Next step is to create a table. There are two types of them to choose from. Refer this for choosing one.
If your hive version doesn't support tblproperties ("skip.header.line.count"="1"), you can use below unix command to ignore the first line (column header) and then put it in HDFS.
you can now skip the header count in hive 0.13.0.
To remove the header from the csv file in place use: