The client is making a range request 0-1023 to the http server. It prefers gzip compression with Accept-Encoding: gzip;q=1.0, identity; q=0.5, *;q=0 in the request.
What would be the content-length in the response header? Will it be 1024 or the size of the compressed data.
Actually it will be 1024 which is the size of compressed data.
The actual content length depends on the transfer encoding and data: If you use identity, no compression is applied and the content length is 1024; if you use gzip, the actual content length depends on the data that is to be compressed.
It's the smaller of 1024 or the compressed size.
RFC2616 section 14 says:
" [ The rest of this answer has no relevance to the actual question asked. I'm leaving it in because some people found it useful. ]
RFC 2616 has this to say (amongst other things) about Content-Length:
So we have to figure out what transfer-length is; Section 4.4 (Message Length) says these two things about transfer-length:
Okay, so we know that in this case transfer-length, entity-length, and Content-Length all have the same value, and all refer to "the length of the message-body as it appears in the message", and so we have to determine what message-body is. Section 4.3 says this about message-body:
So what's an entity-body? For that you have to refer to basically all of Section 7. (Which also defines entity-length.) Most importantly, there this:
The length of the entity-body (and therefore our value for Content-Length per 4.4) is the length of the data after content-coding.