For ActionBarSherlock I would like to have (Action Bar) Tabs + Pager. I use Fragments inside that pager container. I already got the examples of working, but I can't manage to get a details fragment inside that pager container when I would click on let's say a listitem in the first fragment.
Is it impossible to have something like this:
Activity with Tabs and pager container
- Fragment A inside pager container under Tab1
- Click on something in Fragment A and show Fragment B in same pager container under Tab1.
Fragment A is then not visible, only Fragment B is visible, but also all the Tabs.
At the moment I think only a new activity (which would hold Fragment B inside it) can be started after clicking something in Fragment A.
Cheered too soon. Now the details_container is not a viewpager and I cannot use it to 'swipe tabs'.
Found it! Just had to define two FrameLayouts, with in the first one the ViewPager and in the second the details fragments can be 'loaded'. This is done by adding fragments dynamically and replace them.
First the two FrameLayouts:
Then replace a fragment dynamically:
Very simple and I don't understand why it took me hours to figure this out..
I found the other good example of the same implementation in hear...
In this example under package com.battlelancer.seriesguide.ui
you can find, and
and layout upcoming_multipan.xml
this example works for me...
I got one problem while adding different content for detail-fragment the different tabs, it gives me class-cast-exception
so i implemented a common detalFragment class and created separate layout in onCreateView method
but the only one problem i found is layout is not changing on tab switched, may be need to do it by implementing some listener
I'll tell you when i found the answer.
Here is my solution for the (Tabs + Fragment + ViewPager) it is works for me as i wanted, hope that works for you as well
here is the xml file
here is the code for I'll post relevant code only so you'll have to manage it
and here is how i deal with detail fragment not very efficient but kind of working
do not save the state of tab in their individual fragment it will conflict, we are already doing it here
I still did not find a possibility to have a Pager container where fragments should be loaded in and also keep the (ActionBar) Tabs. I have however found a really dirty solution to acomplish this, with starting intens (Main Activity with the Tabs) and finishing the previous ones when the backbutton doesn't need it anymore.
I adapted the code from ABS: Support Demos - Tabs and Pager. But again it's really dirty:
LoaderCursorSupport.CursorLoaderListFragment under Tab2
ActionBarTabsPager (Main Activity with Tabs)
Inside this Class there's a TabsAdapter
Can this be done simpler? Or should I just give up on having Tabs together with fragment history? This was done before Android 3.0 with ActivityGroups and Activities, but it seems this can't be done with fragments.