I'm looking for something like http://phpfiddle.org/, but completely local. I don't want to commit to installing something as complex as Apache, then PHP on top of that, just to try out code when I'm offline. Is there anything that can run PHP 5.5 on the local machine without installing an entire server underneath it?
- Views base64 encoded blob in HTML with PHP
- Laravel Option Select - Default Issue
- PHP Recursively File Folder Scan Sorted by Modific
- Can php detect if javascript is on or not?
- Using similar_text and strpos together
You should try phpsh as well. It is a php interactive shell from the facebook developer folks with history, tab completion and quick access to documentation.
The project is maintained on github.
If you use a development environment, like Aptana Studio, you might as well click on the Run As, and run it in your preferred browser. You need WAMP/XAMPP to be installed and running in order to do so.
There's no need for a server if using PHP 5.5+ - it has a built-in server (http://www.php.net/manual/en/features.commandline.webserver.php)
Just use:
Use psysh which is a wonderful tool for the purpose you described.
If your project is on Laravel, then it's "built in", as tinker, so you can invoke it as
php artisan tinker
.For Windows Users:
Check out the ezPHP GitHub project. Per the project description...
Link - https://github.com/marcomilon/ezphp
Setting it up was simple. Download the exphp.exe file and drop it in a folder. When you run the exe, it will launch the server and generate a public_html folder and index.php file. Follow the instructions in the command window and navigate to http://localhost:8080. Now you can start developing in the public_html folder and refresh your browser to see your changes.
You can install either XAMPP or WAMP server locally if you find it complicated to configure PHP for Apache.