I cloned my project. Bundled with "bundle install", then run "rake db:migrate". I am getting this error: (when I run the rails server and open my browser to localhost:3000) "Migrations are pending; run 'bin/rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=development' to resolve this issue."
I checked all migrations one by one and all were executed without errors. Also no errors were shown after the execution of "rake db:migrate".
This is what I see when I execute "rake db:migrate:status"
I am on development environment. Please let me know if you need any other information.
I also tried "bundle exec rake db:migrate", and "bundle exec rake db:migrate:reset" as "burninggramma" suggested.
Any clues what causes the error?
After running the migrate command, I still had the same error.
What worked for me was to just stop the rails server and start it again.
Interesting. Did you run rake db:create? Assuming you are using sqlite3, do this:
Also, can you list the contents of your config/database.yml file?
Edit: Warning! Obviously, you will lose your existing data.
I had the same problem in genieacs and this code helped:
Here's what worked for me: -gem install rails -v 4.1.0 Inside Gemfile: -gem 'rails', '4.1.0' (replace the newer/older with this) Do bundle install and update -bundle install -bundle update In your application.rb : Remove/Comment - config.active_record.raise_in_transactional_callbacks = true
run bundle rake: -bundle exec rake db:migrate Refresh your page and the error should be gone.
You can always run rake db:reset
I had this problem and it was because I had my rails files inside a folder named "[rails]". It seems rake doesn't like the following symbols "[]" used in a folder name.
Hope this helps others with this issue.