Interpreting a benchmark in C, Clojure, Python, Ru

2020-02-16 05:41发布


I know that artificial benchmarks are evil. They can show results only for very specific narrow situation. I don't assume that one language is better than the other because of the some stupid bench. However I wonder why results is so different. Please see my questions at the bottom.

Math benchmark description

Benchmark is simple math calculations to find pairs of prime numbers which differs by 6 (so called sexy primes) E.g. sexy primes below 100 would be: (5 11) (7 13) (11 17) (13 19) (17 23) (23 29) (31 37) (37 43) (41 47) (47 53) (53 59) (61 67) (67 73) (73 79) (83 89) (97 103)

Results table

In table: calculation time in seconds Running: all except Factor was running in VirtualBox (Debian unstable amd64 guest, Windows 7 x64 host) CPU: AMD A4-3305M

  Sexy primes up to:        10k      20k      30k      100k               

  Bash                    58.00   200.00     [*1]      [*1]

  C                        0.20     0.65     1.42     15.00

  Clojure1.4               4.12     8.32    16.00    137.93

  Clojure1.4 (optimized)   0.95     1.82     2.30     16.00

  Factor                    n/a      n/a    15.00    180.00

  Python2.7                1.49     5.20    11.00       119     

  Ruby1.8                  5.10    18.32    40.48    377.00

  Ruby1.9.3                1.36     5.73    10.48    106.00

  Scala2.9.2               0.93     1.41     2.73     20.84

  Scala2.9.2 (optimized)   0.32     0.79     1.46     12.01

[*1] - I'm afraid to imagine how much time will it take

Code listings


int isprime(int x) {
  int i;
  for (i = 2; i < x; ++i)
    if (x%i == 0) return 0;
  return 1;

void findprimes(int m) {
  int i;
  for ( i = 11; i < m; ++i)
    if (isprime(i) && isprime(i-6))
      printf("%d %d\n", i-6, i);

main() {


def is_prime?(n)
  (2...n).all?{|m| n%m != 0 }

def sexy_primes(x)
  (9..x).map do |i|
    [i-6, i] do |j|
    j.all?{|j| is_prime? j}

a =
p sexy_primes(10*1000)
b =
puts "#{(b-a)*1000} mils"


def isPrime(n: Int) =
  (2 until n) forall { n % _ != 0 }

def sexyPrimes(n: Int) = 
  (11 to n) map { i => List(i-6, i) } filter { _ forall(isPrime(_)) }

val a = System.currentTimeMillis()
val b = System.currentTimeMillis()
println((b-a).toString + " mils")

Scala opimized isPrime (the same idea like in Clojure optimization):

import scala.annotation.tailrec

@tailrec // Not required, but will warn if optimization doesn't work
def isPrime(n: Int, i: Int = 2): Boolean = 
  if (i == n) true 
  else if (n % i != 0) isPrime(n, i + 1)
  else false


(defn is-prime? [n]
  (every? #(> (mod n %) 0)
    (range 2 n)))

(defn sexy-primes [m]
  (for [x (range 11 (inc m))
        :let [z (list (- x 6) x)]
        :when (every? #(is-prime? %) z)]

(let [a (System/currentTimeMillis)]
  (println (sexy-primes (* 10 1000)))
  (let [b (System/currentTimeMillis)]
    (println (- b a) "mils")))

Clojure optimized is-prime?:

(defn ^:static is-prime? [^long n]
  (loop [i (long 2)] 
    (if (= (rem n i) 0)
      (if (>= (inc i) n) true (recur (inc i))))))


import time as time_

def is_prime(n):
  return all((n%j > 0) for j in xrange(2, n))

def primes_below(x):
  return [[j-6, j] for j in xrange(9, x+1) if is_prime(j) and is_prime(j-6)]

a = int(round(time_.time() * 1000))
b = int(round(time_.time() * 1000))
print(str((b-a)) + " mils")


MEMO:: prime? ( n -- ? )
n 1 - 2 [a,b] [ n swap mod 0 > ] all? ;

MEMO: sexyprimes ( n n -- r r )
[a,b] [ prime? ] filter [ 6 + ] map [ prime? ] filter dup [ 6 - ] map ;

5 10 1000 * sexyprimes . .


function prime {
  for (( i = 2; i < $1; i++ )); do
    if [[ $[$1%i] == 0 ]]; then
      echo 1
  echo 0

function sexy-primes {
  for (( i = 9; i <= $1; i++ )); do
    if [[ $(prime $i) == 0 && $(prime $j) == 0 ]]; then
      echo $j $i

sexy-primes 10000


  1. Why Scala is so fast? Is it because of static typing? Or it is just using JVM very efficiently?
  2. Why such a huge difference between Ruby and Python? I thought these two are not somewhat totally different. Maybe my code is wrong. Please enlighten me! Thanks. UPD Yes, that was error in my code. Python and Ruby 1.9 are pretty equal.
  3. Really impressive jump in productivity between Ruby versions.
  4. Can I optimize Clojure code by adding type declarations? Will it help?

2楼-- · 2020-02-16 05:52

Don't forget Fortran! (Mostly joking, but I would expect similar performance to C). The statements with exclamation points are optional, but good style. (! is a comment character in fortran 90)

logical function isprime(n)
integer :: n,i
do i=2,n
   if(mod(n,i).eq.0)) return .false.
return .true.

subroutine findprimes(m)
integer :: m,i
logical, external :: isprime

do i=11,m
   if(isprime(i) .and. isprime(i-6))then
      write(*,*) i-6,i

program main
3楼-- · 2020-02-16 05:54

Here's a fast Clojure version, using the same basic algorithms:

(set! *unchecked-math* true)

(defn is-prime? [^long n]
  (loop [i 2]
    (if (zero? (unchecked-remainder-int n i))
      (if (>= (inc i) n)
        (recur (inc i))))))

(defn sexy-primes [m]
  (for [x (range 11 (inc m))
        :when (and (is-prime? x) (is-prime? (- x 6)))]
    [(- x 6) x]))

It runs about 20x faster than your original on my machine. And here's a version that leverages the new reducers library in 1.5 (requires Java 7 or JSR 166):

(require '[clojure.core.reducers :as r]) ;'

(defn sexy-primes [m]
  (->> (vec (range 11 (inc m)))
       (r/filter #(and (is-prime? %) (is-prime? (- % 6))))
       (r/map #(list (- % 6) %))
       (r/fold (fn ([] []) ([a b] (into a b))) conj)))

This runs about 40x faster than your original. On my machine, that's 100k in 1.5 seconds.

4楼-- · 2020-02-16 05:54

Just for the fun of it, here is a parallel Ruby version.

require 'benchmark'

num = ARGV[0].to_i

def is_prime?(n)
  (2...n).all?{|m| n%m != 0 }

def sexy_primes_default(x)
    (9..x).map do |i|
        [i-6, i] do |j|
        j.all?{|j| is_prime? j}

def sexy_primes_threads(x)
    partition = (9..x).map do |i|
        [i-6, i]
    end.group_by do |x|
    threads =
    partition.each_key do |k|
       threads << do
            partition[k].select do |j|
                j.all?{|j| is_prime? j}
    threads.each {|t| t.join}{|t| t.value}.reject{|x| x.empty?}

puts "Running up to num #{num}" do |x|"default") {a = sexy_primes_default(num)}"threads") {a = sexy_primes_threads(num)}

On my 1.8GHz Core i5 MacBook Air, the performance results are:

# Ruby 1.9.3
$ ./sexyprimes.rb 100000
Running up to num 100000
                 user     system      total        real
default     68.840000   0.060000  68.900000 ( 68.922703)
threads     71.730000   0.090000  71.820000 ( 71.847346)

# JRuby on JVM 1.7.0_05
$ jruby --1.9 --server sexyprimes.rb 100000
Running up to num 100000
                user     system      total        real
default    56.709000   0.000000  56.709000 ( 56.708000)
threads    36.396000   0.000000  36.396000 ( 36.396000)

# JRuby 1.7.0.preview1 on JVM 1.7.0_05
$ jruby --server sexyprimes.rb 100000
Running up to num 100000
             user     system      total        real
default     52.640000   0.270000  52.910000 ( 51.393000)
threads    105.700000   0.290000 105.990000 ( 30.298000)

It looks like the JVM's JIT is giving Ruby a nice performance boost in the default case, while true multithreading helps JRuby perform 50% faster in the threaded case. What's more interesting is that JRuby 1.7 improves the JRuby 1.6 score by a healthy 17%!

5楼-- · 2020-02-16 05:55

The answer to your question #1 is that Yes, the JVM is incredably fast and yes static typing helps.

The JVM should be faster than C in the long run, possibly even faster than "Normal" assembly language--Of course you can always hand optimize assembly to beat anything by doing manual runtime profiling and creating a separate version for each CPU, you just have to be amazingly good and knowledgable.

The reasons for Java's speed are:

The JVM can analyze your code while it runs and hand-optimize it--for instance, if you had a method that could be statically analyzed at compile time to be a true function and the JVM noticed that you were often calling it with the same parameters, it COULD actually eliminate the call completely and just inject the results from the last call (I'm not sure if Java actually does this exactly, but it doest a lot of stuff like this).

Due to static typing, the JVM can know a lot about your code at compile time, this lets it pre-optimize quite a bit of stuff. It also lets the compiler optimize each class individually without knowledge of how another class is planning to use it. Also Java doesn't have arbitrary pointers to memory location, it KNOWS what values in memory may and may not be changed and can optimize accordingly.

Heap allocation is MUCH more efficient than C, Java's heap allocation is more like C's stack allocation in speed--yet more versatile. A lot of time has gone into the different algroithims used here, it's an art--for instance, all the objects with a short lifespan (like C's stack variables) are allocated to a "known" free location (no searching for a free spot with enough space) and are all freed together in a single step (like a stack pop).

The JVM can know quirks about your CPU architecture and generate machine code specifically for a given CPU.

The JVM can speed your code long after you shipped it. Much like moving a program to a new CPU can speed it up, moving it to a new version of the JVM can also give you huge speed performances taylored to CPUs that didn't even exist when you initially compiled your code, something c physically cannot do without a recomiple.

By the way, most of the bad rep for java speed comes from the long startup time to load the JVM (Someday someone will build the JVM into the OS and this will go away!) and the fact that many developers are really bad at writing GUI code (especially threaded) which caused Java GUIs to often become unresponsive and glitchy. Simple to use languages like Java and VB have their faults amplified by the fact that the capibilities of the average programmer tends to be lower than more complicated languages.

6楼-- · 2020-02-16 05:58

Here is my scala version in both parallel and no-parallel, just for fun: (In my dual core compute, the parallel version takes 335ms while the no-parallel version takes 655ms)

object SexyPrimes {
  def isPrime(n: Int): Boolean = 
    (2 to math.sqrt(n).toInt).forall{ n%_ != 0 }

  def isSexyPrime(n: Int): Boolean = isPrime(n) && isPrime(n-6)

  def findPrimesPar(n: Int) {
    for(k <- (11 to n).par)
      if(isSexyPrime(k)) printf("%d %d\n",k-6,k)

  def findPrimes(n: Int) {
    for(k <- 11 to n)
      if(isSexyPrime(k)) printf("%d %d\n",k-6,k)

  def timeOf(call : =>Unit) {
    val start = System.currentTimeMillis
    val end = System.currentTimeMillis
    println((end-start)+" mils")

  def main(args: Array[String]) {

EDIT: According to Emil H's suggestion, I have changed my code to avoid the effects of IO and jvm warmup:

The result shows in my compute:

List(3432, 1934, 3261, 1716, 3229, 1654, 3214, 1700)

object SexyPrimes {
  def isPrime(n: Int): Boolean = 
    (2 to math.sqrt(n).toInt).forall{ n%_ != 0 }

  def isSexyPrime(n: Int): Boolean = isPrime(n) && isPrime(n-6)

  def findPrimesPar(n: Int) {
    for(k <- (11 to n).par)
      if(isSexyPrime(k)) ()//printf("%d %d\n",k-6,k)

  def findPrimes(n: Int) {
    for(k <- 11 to n)
      if(isSexyPrime(k)) ()//printf("%d %d\n",k-6,k)

  def timeOf(call : =>Unit): Long = {
    val start = System.currentTimeMillis
    val end = System.currentTimeMillis
    end - start 

  def main(args: Array[String]) {
    val xs = timeOf(findPrimes(1000*1000))::timeOf(findPrimesPar(1000*1000))::
7楼-- · 2020-02-16 05:59

I'll answer just #2, since it's the only one I've got anything remotely intelligent to say, but for your Python code, you're creating an intermediate list in is_prime, whereas you're using .map in your all in Ruby which is just iterating.

If you change your is_prime to:

def is_prime(n):
    return all((n%j > 0) for j in range(2, n))

they're on par.

I could optimize the Python further, but my Ruby isn't good enough to know when I've given more of an advantage (e.g., using xrange makes Python win on my machine, but I don't remember if the Ruby range you used creates an entire range in memory or not).

EDIT: Without being too silly, making the Python code look like:

import time

def is_prime(n):
    return all(n % j for j in xrange(2, n))

def primes_below(x):
    return [(j-6, j) for j in xrange(9, x + 1) if is_prime(j) and is_prime(j-6)]

a = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
b = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
print(str((b-a)) + " mils")

which doesn't change much more, puts it at 1.5s for me, and, with being extra silly, running it with PyPy puts it at .3s for 10K, and 21s for 100K.

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