In my tfs build I've created an argument to which I pass in $(TF_BUILD_BUILDDIRECTORY)
Then in my xaml file I've added a variable called "test1" and added GetEnvirenmentVariable" step where I would like to store value of
I can NOT get the value to come through. Output from my build:
It prints $(TF_BUILD_BUILDDIRECTORY) instead of "C:\temp... etc"
Please help! thanks
Refer to the last paragraph in this MSDN document:
Please follow the below steps:
GetEnvironmentVariable (String)
activity, set Name =Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Activities.Extensions.WellKnownEnvironmentVariables.BinariesDirectory
and Result = BINARIESDIRECTORYCopyDirectory
activity, set Source = BINARIESDIRECTORY and Destination = “\servername\drop”