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I'm looking for a way to implement a simple list view scrolling in my Firebase app, but I am not getting any way out how to implement this. I have already tried 2-3 tutorials and documentation available on the Internet, but didn't the required result.
In my app I want scrolling like at starting first 10 list items load then each time on scrolling next 10 or 20 items will load until the last item appears at the bottom of the list.
So I tried retrieving first 10 items the following way :
ArrayList<Event> event=new ArrayList<>();
Dbref = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance().getReference("/event");
Dbref.startAt(1).limitToLast(10).addValueEventListener(new ValueEventListener() {
public void onDataChange(DataSnapshot dataSnapshot) {
for (DataSnapshot snapshot : dataSnapshot.getChildren()) {
Log.e(" ", "range query started! : " + dataSnapshot.getChildrenCount());
String event_id = snapshot.child("details").child("event_id").getValue().toString();
e=new Event(event_id); //Event is a model class for list items
Log.e("ShowEventInfo : ", "" + event_id);
public void onCancelled(DatabaseError databaseError) {
adapter=new Event_CustomAdapter(getActivity(),event);
ls.setAdapter(adapter); //here ls is instance of ListView
I referred this Youtube Video to implement this feature: (
In the above code, as you can see I am generating Log to check if data is fetched from the firebase, but I got no output Android monitor.
I have no idea how can I implement Firebase Scrolling in my list view. I think this is a common problem for those who implement infinite-scroll in recycler view/ list view.
Could you please help me implementing this feature. Thanks.
Here we will use the
;s methods which arelimitToFirst(int)
to get the first or last records fromFireBase
.In below example i am using the
to get only top specified records from Firebase. Here i am playing with oldestPostId which is the last or 10th key of our record.From above code , i have get the first 10 records from firebase, Now we will implement load more functionality so i am using the
we will useorderByKey()
for getting further 10 more record withlimitToFirst()
method. I have implemented the whole code to get further data onisScrollCompleted()
, please check below example.