I want to run a thread (Which does some time consuming task in background and does NOT update UI) it just downloads some files form the internet and it is independent from the UI.
I want to run this thread repeatedly after some time interval.
How can i do this, I have thread something like below:
boolean mResult =false;
void onCreate()
DownloadThread mDownloadThread = new DownloadThread();
class DownloadThread extends Thread implements Runnable
public void run()
// My download code
mResult = result;
Do i need to use Handler
for implementing this?
Prefered choice is
Newer and robust implementation, More here ScheduledExecutorService
I would use a Timer to achieve this. Try this:
It starts immediately and the run-Method gets called every second.
Option 1:
Option 2:
Option 3:
Option 4:
There will be many more options. I never tried option 3 and 4. It just came to my mind and I wrote. If I were you I would use any of 1 or 2.