Keeping the data of a variable between runs of cod

2019-01-14 19:21发布

For a school project I am making a hangman game in Python. Right now my code picks a word from a dictionary like so:

WordList = ["cat", "hat", "jump", "house", "orange", "brick", "horse", "word"]
word = WordList[random.randint(0, len(WordList) - 1)]

right now the list of words has to be set within the code before running it, but I added the ability to add words to the list while running it:

if command == "add":
    while True:
        print("type a word to add to the dictionary")
        print("type /b to go back to game")
        add = raw_input("word: ")

        if add != "/b":
            WordList = WordList + [add]

            print add, "added!"
            print("returning to game")

however, once I exit the code, the added words are obviously not saved, so I would either have to manually add all the words to the list, or add a bunch of words to the list once the code starts every time. so I am wondering if there is a simple way that I can have the variable save after the code is finished, so that WordList will keep the added words next time the code starts. the program I use to write python is Jetbrains PyCharm, if that makes a difference. Apologies for any un-optimal code, I'm new to code.

标签: python list save
2楼-- · 2019-01-14 19:54

Simply pickle the data you want to keep persistent. Since your use case doesn't require very complex data storage, pickling is a very good option. A small example:

import pickle

WordList = ["cat", "hat", "jump", "house", "orange", "brick", "horse", "word"]

# do your thing here, like

#open a pickle file
newfile = ''

with open(newfile, 'wb') as fi:
  # dump your data into the file
  pickle.dump(Wordlist, fi)

Later when you need to use it again, just load it up:

#load your data back to memory when you need it
with open(newfile, 'rb') as fi:
  WordList = pickle.load(fi)

Ta-da! You have data persistence now. More reading here. A few important pointers:

  1. Notice the 'b' when I use open() to open a file. I like to use pickle files as binaries. This helps avoid problems with some complex object structures when you pickle them.
  2. I used the with command. This ensures that a file is safely closed once all my work with the file is done. This helps prevent my pickles being accidentally accessed or overwritten.
3楼-- · 2019-01-14 20:08

You have to use persistent storage: write the words in a file when you add them and retrieve them from this file when the program starts.

4楼-- · 2019-01-14 20:08

If you exit the code you stop the process. For this reason you lose all data. You have to add the words keeping the script alive. The suggestion is to use a server that processing all your calls (example: or to use the python command input (

But remember... if you stop the process you lose all data, it is normal.

Otherwise, before stopping your script, you have to save all the data into a file or database and load them when the script starts.

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