I'm integrating payuMoney (not payu biz) in my android application. I followed this official documentation of PayuMoney. I have changed merchant key, merchant id and url of hash generation of my server in this sample app. Then it is taking me to PayuMoney sdk screen where I can login/signup. But it is showing the toast message 'Some error occured! Try again' once I login with my credentials. Is there anything else that I'm missing? Please guide me.
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This happens when server generated hash not equal to payUmoney generated hash so payUmoney don't allow payments
also, shows blank screen after login
to fix it generate a hash like this formate
String hashSequence=KEY+"|"+txn+"|"+amount+"|"+productinfo+"|"+firstname+"|"+email+"|"+UDF1+"|"+UDF2+"|"+UDF3+"|"+UDF4+"|"+UDF5+"|"+SALT;
This happens because you might not have activated your account on PayUMoney. Try contacting the customer service and get your account activatied. The error will be resolved.