I'm just beating my head against the wall trying to get a Cholesky decomposition to work in order to simulate correlated price movements.
I use the following code:
cormat <- as.matrix(read.csv("http://pastebin.com/raw/qGbkfiyA"))
cormat <- cormat[,2:ncol(cormat)]
rownames(cormat) <- colnames(cormat)
cormat <- apply(cormat,c(1,2),FUN = function(x) as.numeric(x))
#Error in chol.default(cormat) :
# the leading minor of order 8 is not positive definite
cholmat <- chol(cormat, pivot=TRUE)
#Warning message:
# In chol.default(cormat, pivot = TRUE) :
# the matrix is either rank-deficient or indefinite
rands <- array(rnorm(ncol(cholmat)), dim = c(10000,ncol(cholmat)))
V <- t(t(cholmat) %*% t(rands))
#Check for similarity
cor(V) - cormat ## Not all zeros!
#Check the standard deviations
apply(V,2,sd) ## Not all ones!
I'm not really sure how to properly use the pivot = TRUE
statement to generate my correlated movements. The results look totally bogus.
Even if I have a simple matrix and I try out "pivot" then I get bogus results...
cormat <- matrix(c(1,.95,.90,.95,1,.93,.90,.93,1), ncol=3)
cholmat <- chol(cormat)
# No Error
cholmat2 <- chol(cormat, pivot=TRUE)
# No warning... pivot changes column order
rands <- array(rnorm(ncol(cholmat)), dim = c(10000,ncol(cholmat)))
V <- t(t(cholmat2) %*% t(rands))
#Check for similarity
cor(V) - cormat ## Not all zeros!
#Check the standard deviations
apply(V,2,sd) ## Not all ones!
There are two errors with your code:
You did not use pivoting index to revert the pivoting done to the Cholesky factor. Note, pivoted Cholesky factorization for a semi-positive definite matrix
is doing:where
is a column pivoting matrix, andR
is an upper triangular matrix. To recoverA
, we need apply the inverse ofP
):Multivariate normal with covariance matrix
, is generated by:where
is multivariate normal with zero mean and identity covariance.Your generation of
is wrong. First, it should not be
, i.e., the rank ofX
, denoted byr
. Second, you are recyclingrnorm(ncol(R))
along columns, and the resulting matrix is not random at all. Therefore,cor(X)
is never close to an identity matrix. The correct code is:As a model implementation of the above theory, consider your toy example:
We compute the upper triangular factor (suppressing possible rank-deficient warnings) and extract inverse pivoting index and rank:
Then we generate
. For better result we centreX
so that column means are 0.Then we generate target multivariate normal:
We can verify that
has target covarianceA