I couldn't find a similar question around, so here it goes.
I need to create some alerts and basically identify when a daylight saving time approaches, i.e. next thursday daylight begins
Question How does Timezone knows the correct info?
I ask that because, for instance, in my country - Brazil - the day is defined one year before when it will happen by government. It could potentially not even exist on a specific year. This probably happens in other countries as well.
On Java Doc, the below info can be found:
This method returns a historically correct offset value if an underlying TimeZone implementation subclass supports historical Daylight Saving Time schedule and GMT offset changes
It says it returns a historically correct. But how trustworthy is this method for detecting timezones? Does it depends on regular java updates, does it read from somewhere in Windows, for instance ?
Thanks in advance!
The link below explains the official method to update timezones in java
Basically, download the tool jar and run the command
java -jar tzupdater.jar options