IE8 will sometimes prevent links from spawning if they have target=_blank set.
This problem appears to be limited to corrupt installs of IE, such as when installing several versions side-by-side.
I edited this question once I found the answer, and hopefully this will save someone else some time. The answer is in the comments of the first answer listed.
I know this is already answered, but I just wanted to tell about the jQuery's live binding functionality:
This example sets the 'target="_blank"' attribute to any link with the class "myclass", even those created with Javascript.
This is because target="_blank" is not valid under XHTML Strict Mode. See:
The following should work in all cases.
I presume that as of IE8 Beta 1, the default mode is now STRICT instead of TRANSITIONAL.
This depends upon which stand-alone IE8 that you use. I found this to be a problem while using "Final Builds Site - Internet Explorer Collection" ( version The developer has now fixed this bug as of Ver., and links with target="_blank" now work as expected.
Yeah, XHTML Strict Mode doesn't accept target="_blank".
If you don't want to keep using everywhere, you can use rel="external" and some extra Javascript like the following, using JQuery:
EDIT: To set all generated links:
Or, without jQuery, you can use the script, found here:
What about if you use
? I know it's not THE same, but you will get the popup/window open in a new instance, and your site could validate for XHTML Strict Mode :)