I used a formula in excel sheet: =DATEDIF(TODAY(),E2,"y") & " years " & DATEDIF(TODAY(),E2,"ym") & " months " & DATEDIF(TODAY(),E2,"md") & " days" where E2 = 14-Aug-2015
On Execution of HSSFFormulaEvaluator.evaluateAllFormulaCells(wb)
I am getting and Exception of
org.apache.poi.ss.formula.eval.NotImplementedFunctionException: DATEDIF
Please help.
As of Apache POI version 3.12, DATEDIF() isn't supported. You can check which functions are supported by running:
Collection<String> supportedFuncs = WorkbookEvaluator.getSupportedFunctionNames();
This link describes how to write a user defined function and register it with the formula evaluator: