I'm using Delphi7 and I'd like to bold some days of a TDateTimePicker
I've read that, originally, it's a descendant of TMonthCalendar
, thus it should be possible.
I've also found some example code, but it's in C#: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en/winforms/thread/03527023-694d-41ab-bffb-18c59fca1fda
Please note that I don't want to use any third party DateTimePicker
controls, I'd like to stay with the standard one.
You can't do what you want, because the MonthCalendar displayed in response of the dropDown button press in the DateTimePicker is a MonthCalendar that has no MCS_DAYSTATE style set. This is a Microsoft decision. It is not a VCL limitation, so there is nothing, to my knowledge, you can do to change it. The only thing would be not to use it and instantiate a real MonthCalendar of your own in response to the user press of the dropdown button; or use some of the custom components already available.
To prove it, here is a Pascal version of the same C# code you posted. It does not work and to my knowledge it never will. If you want to test it, hook it into the DropDown event of the DateTimePicker.
You are both right and wrong :-)
See: http://www.experts-exchange.com/Programming/System/Windows__Programming/MFC/Q_23927552.html
You are right that you can't set BoldDays under XP. But you are wrong because under Vista/Win7 you can!
Here is the modified code:
Note: be sure to add a vista manifest to the file because otherwise it won't work!
The constants are from an updated commctrl.h file, found here: http://www.koders.com/cpp/fid6A6537D52B537D0920D7A760D2073F7B65ADE310.aspx?s=WM_CAP_DRIVER_CONNECT
Thanks for the help, you lead me to the solution! :-)