SwaggerUI: Path shows “Default”. How can I change?

2020-02-15 01:15发布

I downloaded sample server program from http://editor.swagger.io. (Swagger Petstore (Simple), NodeJS)

Then I deployed into my server but the path is showed "Default". How can I change it?

enter image description here

This sample shows the name of paths. This is what I want to do it. http://petstore.swagger.io/#/

enter image description here


"dependencies": {
  "connect": "^3.2.0",
  "js-yaml": "^3.3.0",
  "swagger-tools": "0.9.*"



This may be related. How to change Swagger-UI "Default" Path

I'm not sure how JSON file is necessary. I'm using yaml. I may be choose .json or .yaml.

And also I'm wondering this is related to my issue..

enter image description here

  schemaValidationMessages: [
      level: "error",
      message: "Can't read from file http://xxxxx/api-docs"

2楼-- · 2020-02-15 01:56

The grouping is done by the use of tags. Just tag each operation with a string array like such:

    - Admin Operations
  parameters: []

The description for tags is defined in a top-level tags object:

  - name: Admin Functions
    description: These are only for special users!

And this will show the description in the top-level

enter image description here

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