I am redesigning my store and so the old structure has been changed with the new structure. So trying to redirect all old products with the new.
I have more than 20-25 products and if I write redirect rule for every product than I have to write in this way
Redirect 301 /store/products/somename/ http://store.domain.com/nicecar
Redirect 301 /store/products/blabla/ http://store.domain.com/newpros
Redirect 301 /store/products/cubacuba/ http://store.domain.com/illollo
Which will become to long and may slow down the site. So is there anyway to optimize this redirect rule?
Thanks a lot
If you have access to the vhost or server config, you can setup a rewrite map, though in reality, it's probably marginally faster than just having a ton of redirects. The redirects that you have in your htaccess file are cached, so as long as the htaccess file isn't modified, the directives don't need to be re-read.
There's a very detailed tutorial for how to use RewriteMap and the many various mappings you can use with it.
It is better to use
for your requirement. Here is an example how to use it:Add following line to your
file:Create a text file as
like this:Add these line in your .htaccess file under