Tried all other codes on similar pages but failed to work.
This is my current version. Works only if I currently have a new email window open and oddly, my code will paste the .body and cell range details into 2 separate new email windows.
I just want the code to open a new email window with contents .body and cell range details (contains chart). Anybody have any ideas where my code went wrong?
Sub pasting01()
Set OutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set OutMail = OutApp.CreateItem(0)
With OutMail
.TO = ""
.CC = ""
.Subject = "Test"
.Body = "Dear Mr Lee" & vbNewLine
Set vInspector = OutMail.GetInspector
Set wEditor = vInspector.WordEditor
wEditor.Application.Selection.Start = Len(.Body)
wEditor.Application.Selection.End = wEditor.Application.Selection.Start
End With
On Error GoTo 0
Set OutMail = Nothing
Set OutApp = Nothing
End Sub
You have some errors on your code, try using Option Explicit top of your module
Can you mess about with the following to suit your purpose?