I have five line plots from which I'd like to output a shaded area that represents the region between their plotted upper and lower regions. I'm creating an R script (see below) as I have multiple datasets for which I need to repeat this exercise.
However, I'm only able to print the geom_ribbon from the last i and j pair - I can't seem to output every geom_ribbon into the created list.
I'd grateful for any ideas on how to import all of the geom_ribbon objects into the list. Only one plot is printed with print(Z)
(example below). I'd like, if possible, all geom_ribbon objects to be overlain and printed as a single ggplot?
Z <- list()
allmaxi <- list(cahp_max_plot15cb$decade_maxa, cahp_max_plot15cb$decade_maxc,cahp_max_plot15cb$decade_maxd, cahp_max_plot15cb$decade_maxe, cahp_max_plot15cb$decade_maxf)
allmaxj <- list(cahp_max_plot15cb$decade_maxa, cahp_max_plot15cb$decade_maxc,cahp_max_plot15cb$decade_maxd, cahp_max_plot15cb$decade_maxe, cahp_max_plot15cb$decade_maxf)
for (i in allmaxi) {
for (j in allmaxj) {
l <- geom_ribbon(data=cahp_max_plot15cb,aes(x=decade,ymin=i, ymax=j))
Z[[length(Z) + 1]] <- l
print(ggplot() + Z)
Sample output (from print(i) and print(j) in script) from inputting one dataset (decade_maxa) to i list, and four other data sets to j list:
[1] 2010.811 1723.783 1961.088 1662.909 1587.191 1662.140 1665.415 1602.974 1807.453 1586.106
[11] 1580.880 1685.253 1653.178 1824.842
[1] 1390.260 1247.700 1263.578 1711.638 1228.326 1762.045 1260.147 1171.914 1697.987 1350.867
[11] 1434.525 1488.818 1610.513 1536.895
`[1] 2010.811 1723.783 1961.088 1662.909 1587.191 1662.140 1665.415 1602.974 1807.453 1586.106
[11] 1580.880 1685.253 1653.178 1824.842
`[1] 1120.2700 1094.3047 1196.8792 1227.9660 1236.9170 1266.0935 1127.1480 974.6948 947.3365
[10] 1244.3242 1254.2704 1082.3667 1286.9080 1126.1943
`[1] 2010.811 1723.783 1961.088 1662.909 1587.191 1662.140 1665.415 1602.974 1807.453 1586.106
[11] 1580.880 1685.253 1653.178 1824.842
`[1] 1396.695 1425.073 1382.941 1913.495 1401.754 1499.763 1600.656 1367.043 1413.390 1343.804
[11] 1431.790 1402.292 1329.192 1696.729
`[1] 2010.811 1723.783 1961.088 1662.909 1587.191 1662.140 1665.415 1602.974 1807.453 1586.106
[11] 1580.880 1685.253 1653.178 1824.842
`[1] 1718.874 1389.134 1501.574 1233.189 1262.480 1508.919 1291.467 1431.869 1505.102 1376.519
[11] 1441.181 1421.552 1326.547 1635.599
> print(ggplot() + Z)
This is my aim. Maybe there is a better way with lapply?
This is the image output by integrating median values, as proposed below:
median_g <- group_by(cahp_max_plot15cbm,decade)
median_gm <- mutate(median_g, median=median(value))
p2 <- ggplot(median_gm) + geom_ribbon(aes(x=decade, ymin=median,ymax=value,group=variable),alpha=0.40,fill="#3985ff") +
geom_line(aes(x=decade,y=value,group=variable,color=variable),lwd=1) +
I was intrigued by the question, and wanted to see if I could get to an answer with simulated (but similar) data as I like making plots. I included my first approach which didn't work completely as intended, for illustrative purposes.
First approach: calculate min and max, and use those to calculate a ribbon
does not get intended result; plots ribbons between peaks.
Second approach; should work for data dat are not too extreme: find median value for each decade, and use that as ymin for the ribbon. ymax is the value in the melted dataset.
Here's a slightly over-engineered solution: find all segment-segment intersections, add those abscissae to the mix, and for each x locate the min and max values.