So I saw a function that was, quite frankly beautiful in its simplicity as it allowed you to find the global object ( which depending on environ at the time may NOT have been window ) while within an anonymous function; however when you throw javascripts' "use strict"; mode it crumbles, due to the evaluation of the keyword 'this' changing. There were a few ways to accomplish this?
(function () {
var win = function () {
return (function () {
return this;
//win now points to the global object no matter where it is called.
Now, if these are called within the context of "use strict" we lose the functionality described, is there any equivalent that can be done in ES5 strict mode?
For reference
(function () {
"use strict"
//code here is in strict mode
Access to the Global Object (before ES5)
This is actually no longer the case in ECMAScript 5 in strict mode, so you have to adopt a different pattern when your code is in strict mode.
Access to the Global Object (after ES5)
“JavaScript Patterns, by Stoyan Stefanov (O’Reilly). Copyright 2010 Yahoo!, Inc., 9780596806750.”
Works in all Browsers, Engines, ES3, ES5, strict, nested scope, etc.
A slight variation will pass JSLINT:
See How to get the global object in JavaScript?
Here's a snippet from Perfection Kills, using global eval.
ECMA3, ECMA5, Strict mode, etc compatible, passes JSLint.