I have a commandButton
in my .xhtml page:
<p:commandButton action="#{someone.doSomething()}"
It's simply making an Ajax call. How can I detect situations such as internet connection problem (of the client/browser), timeout, session-timeout, server-side exceptions, crashes etc in the middle of an Ajax call so as to show an informative message to the user?
Does the onerror
attribute of p:ajax
handle all of those? If not, then what? :)
What's the default timeout btw?
Any help appreciated, thanks.
onerror calls this function:
onerror(xhr, status, exception) - Javascript callback to process when ajax request fails. Takes three arguments, xmlhttprequest, status string and exception thrown if any.
This info is from documentation. xhr - is actually a request. So there can be found request status and a lot of other info.
Try this code in chrome or firebug. It will show xhr object
Get a look into http://primefaces.googlecode.com/files/primefaces_users_guide_3_0.pdf section 7.2 Ajax API