Is is possible to inject JSF Managed Bean into an EJB? I have injected JSF Managed Beans in to another JSF Managed Bean as a @ManagedProperty. But when I do the same to the EJB, I get a null point exception.
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No, that's not possible. The
works inside@ManagedBean
classes (JSF managed beans) only. You can only use@EJB
to inject another EJB or a CDI managed bean (a@Named
class).However, it makes design technically no sense to inject a front-end class like a JSF or CDI managed bean in a business service class like an EJB. An EJB should be designed in such way that it can without changes be reused together a completely different front-end like JAX-RS webservice or even a plain vanilla servlet. An EJB should absolutely not have any
imports/dependencies (like as that it should not have*
ones).If you intend to pass data from the JSF managed bean to an EJB, then just pass it as method argument. Such data is usually in flavor of a JPA
or at least an ID/keyword which returns an entity.