In our spark-streaming job we read messages in streaming from kafka.
For this, we use the KafkaUtils.createDirectStream
API which returns JavaPairInputDStreamfrom
The messages are read from kafka (from three topics - test1,test2,test3) in the following way:
private static final String TOPICS = "test1,test2,test3";
HashSet<String> topicsSet = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(TOPICS.split(",")));
HashMap<String, String> kafkaParams = new HashMap<>();
kafkaParams.put("", BROKERS);
JavaPairInputDStream<String, String> messages =
We want to handle messages from each topic in a different way, and in order to achieve this we need to know the topic name for each message.
so we do the following:
JavaDStream<String> lines = SplitToLinesFunction());
and this is the implementation of the SplitToLinesFunction
public class SplitToLinesFunction implements Function<Tuple2<String, String>, String> {
public String call(Tuple2<String, String> tuple2)
return tuple2._2();
The problem is that the tuple2._1
is null and we assumed that the tuple2._1
will contain some metadata such as the name of the topic/partition from where the message came from.
However, when we print tuple2._1
, it's null.
Our question - is there a way to send the topic name in kafka so that in the spark-streaming code, the tuple2._1
will contain it (and not be null)?
Note that we also tried to get the topic names from the DStream as mentioned in the spark-streaming kafka-integration tutorial:
But it returns ALL the topics that were sent to the KafkaUtils.createDirectStream
, and not the specific topic from where the messages (that belong to the current RDD) arrived from.
So it didn't help us to identify the name of the topic from where the messages in the RDD were sent from.
in response to David's answer - I tried using the MessageAndMetadata
like this:
Map<TopicAndPartition, Long> topicAndPartition = new HashMap();
topicAndPartition.put(new TopicAndPartition("test1", 0), 1L);
topicAndPartition.put(new TopicAndPartition("test2", 0), 1L);
topicAndPartition.put(new TopicAndPartition("test3", 0), 1L);
class MessageAndMetadataFunction implements Function<MessageAndMetadata<String, String>, String>
public String call(MessageAndMetadata<String, String> v1)
throws Exception {
// nothing is printed here
System.out.println("topic = " + v1.topic() + ", partition = " + v1.partition());
return v1.topic();
JavaInputDStream<String> messages = KafkaUtils.createDirectStream(streamingContext, String.class, String.class, StringDecoder.class, StringDecoder.class, String.class, kafkaParams, topicAndPartition, new MessageAndMetadataFunction());
messages.foreachRDD(new VoidFunction() {
public void call(Object t) throws Exception {
JavaRDD<String> rdd = (JavaRDD<String>)t;
OffsetRange[] offsets = ((HasOffsetRanges) rdd.rdd()).offsetRanges();
// here all the topics kafka listens to are printed, but that doesn't help
for (OffsetRange offset : offsets) {
System.out.println(offset.topic() + " " + offset.partition() + " " + offset.fromOffset() + " " + offset.untilOffset());
The problem is that nothing was printed in the
method. what should I fix in order to get the relevant topic for that RDD inside the
Use one of the versions of
that takes amessageHandler
function as a parameter. Here's what I do:There's stuff there that doesn't mean anything to you -- the relevant part is
If you are not familiar with
, all the function does is return aTuple2
. Your function needs to return both of these in order for you to use them downstream. You could just return the entireMessageAndMetadata
object instead, which gives you a couple of other interesting fields. But if you only wanted thetopic
and themessage
, then use the above.At the bottom of the Kafka integration guide, there's an example which extracts the topic from the messages.
The relevant code in Java:
This can probably be collapsed into something more compact which just asks for the topic and nothing else.