I am getting an error when deploying rules using the deploy command in CI
firebase deploy --only firestore:rules --non-interactive
i deploying firestore
i firestore: checking firestore.rules for compilation errors...
✔ firestore: rules file firestore.rules compiled successfully
i firestore: uploading rules firestore.rules...
i firestore: quota exceeded error while uploading rules
? You have 2501 rules, do you want to delete the oldest 10 to free up space? (y/N)
I can fix the problem temporarily by deleting the last 10 manually, but will hit the limit again soon. Is there an easier way to purge the rules history using cli?
option the rules are deployed without asking to delete using firebase-tools 6.9.2UPDATE
this is not working anymore with firebase-tools 7.0.0
Workaround found
The helpful firebase support also sent us the below advice to deal with this issue.