How to install Microsoft VC++ redistributables silently in Inno Setup? I used the following code, most of the installation part is silent except the installation progress window.
Here is my [Run]
section's code:-
Filename: "{app}\bin\vcredist_x86.exe"; \
Parameters: "/passive /verysilent /norestart /q:a /c:""VCREDI~3.EXE /q:a /c:""""msiexec /i vcredist.msi /qn"""" """; \
Check: VCRedistNeedsInstall; WorkingDir: {app}\bin;Flags: runminimized nowait; \
StatusMsg: Installing CRT...
For a smooth install, check if it's necessary to install the redistributable. If the installed version is already up to date (quite likely), don't even unpack it.
Note that the 14.14 redistributable is also suitable for VS2015.
I modified the above code as follows. Then I got it worked properly and the entire installation was pretty smooth and silent.
Reference Links:
You can add those to the setup script:
Note that the run parameters will change slightly, if you are using a different redistributable version from 2008.
Here is my solution: