I'm new to node(express) and pg-promise, and have not been able to figure out how to add the result of each nested query(loop) into the main json array result query.
I have two tables: Posts and comments.
id serial,
content text not null,
linkExterno text,
usuario VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL REFERENCES usuarios(alias) ON UPDATE cascade ON DELETE cascade,
multimedia text,
ubicacation VARCHAR(100),
likes integer default 0,
time VARCHAR default now(),
reported boolean default false,
id serial,
idPost integer NOT NULL REFERENCES post(id) ON UPDATE cascade ON DELETE cascade,
acount VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL REFERENCES users(alias) ON UPDATE cascade ON DELETE cascade,
content text NOT NULL,
date date default now(),
So I want to add the result of each comments to each post and return the posts. I have this, but doesn't work:
con.task(t => {
return t.any('select *, avatar from post, users where user= $1 and user = alias ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 10 OFFSET $2', [username, pos])
.then(posts => {
if(posts.length > 0){
for (var post of posts){
post.coments = t.any('select * from comment where idPost = $1 ', post.id);
}).then(posts => {
}).catch(error => {
Any suggestions? PD: I think my question is kind of similar to this one: get JOIN table as array of results with PostgreSQL/NodeJS
Option 1 (best choice):
Making a single query through JSON to psql (JSON query)
See answer by @vitaly-t
Getting the nested data asynchronously using ajax.
Option 2:
function buildTree(t) {
return t.map("select *, avatar from publicacion, usuarios where usuario = $1 and usuario = alias ORDER BY hora DESC LIMIT 10 OFFSET $2", [username, cantidad], posts => {
return t.any('select * from comentario where idPublicacion = $1', posts.id)
.then(coments => {
posts.coments = coments;
return posts;
}).then(t.batch); // settles the array of generated promises
router.get('/publicaciones', function (req, res) {
cantidad = req.query.cantidad || 0; //num de publicaciones que hay
username = req.session.user.alias;
.then(data => {
.catch(error => {
Option 3(async):
var posts = await con.any('select *, avatar from post, users where user = $1 and user = alias ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 10 OFFSET $2', [username, q])
for (var post of posts){
post.coments = await con.any('select * from comment where idPublictcion = $1', post.id);
I'm the author of pg-promise ;)
Also see this question: get JOIN table as array of results with PostgreSQL/NodeJS.
In case you do not want to go all the way with the JSON query approach, then the following will scale much better than the original solution, as we concatenate all child queries, and then execute them as one query:
See API:
If you want structured (nested) data, without having to
A) re-write your sql using json function, or split it out into multiple task queries, or
B) refactor your code to use the API of a heavy ORM
you could check out sql-toolkit. It's a node library built for
which allows you to write regular native SQL and receive back properly structured (nested) pure business objects. It's strictly an enhancement toolkit on top of pg-promise, and does not seek to abstract out pg-promise (you still set up pg-promise and can use it directly).For example:
The select clause uses the business object "getSQLSelectClause" methods to save tedium in typing the columns, as well as ensure no collisions of names (nothing magical going on, and could just be written out instead).
is a call intosql-toolkit
s base DAO class. It is responsible for structuring the flat result records into a nice nested structure.(Also notice that it is "one" which matches our mental model for the SQL. The DAO methods for one, oneOrNone, many, and any ensure their count against the number of generated top level business objects - not the number of rows the sql expression returns!)
Check out the repository for details on how to set it up on top of
. (Disclamer, I am the author ofsql-toolkit
.)You can use
but it will work sync.Actually i recommend you to use orm tools like bookshelf, knex, typeorm