I'd like to be able to subtract two hashes and get a third hash in Ruby.
The two hashes look like this:
h1 = {"Cat" => 100, "Dog" => 5, "Bird" => 2, "Snake" => 10}
h1.default = 0
h2 = {"cat" => 50, "dog" => 3, "BIRD" => 4, "Mouse" => 75, "Snake" => 10}
h2.default = 0
I'd like to be able to call a method on h1 like this:
and get this hash as a result:
{"Cat" => 50, "Dog" => 2, "BIRD" => -2, "Mouse" => -75}
I'd like to create a new hash with keys from both Hashes and the values of the new hash to be the value of the key in the first hash minus the value of that key in the second hash. The catch is that I'd like this Hash method to work regardless of the case of the keys. In other words, I'd like "Cat" to match up with "cat".
Here's what I have so far:
class Hash
def difference(another_hash)
(keys + another_hash.keys).map { |key| key.strip }.uniq.inject(Hash.new(0)) { |acc, key| acc[key] = (self[key] - another_hash[key]); acc }.delete_if { |key, value| value == 0 }
This is OK, but, unfortunately, the result isn't what I want.
Any help would be appreciated.
How about converting the hashes to sets.
Sorry that due to the time limit (I have to take care of my baby boy now), only figured out this stupid but working code:
I got this to the resque https://github.com/junegunn/insensitive_hash
then follow your procedure but slighly tweaked as requirement
As a recommendation...
I've used something like this in the past:
which lets me do things like:
gives you the nice syntax of using-
instead ofdifference
, similar to using-
for Arrays and Sets. You can still usedifference
though:I always normalize my hash keys, and don't allow variants to leak in. It makes processing the hashes much too difficult when you don't know what the keys are called, so I'd highly recommend doing that as a first step. It's a code-maintenance issue.
Otherwise, you could create a map of the original key names and their normalized names, but you run into problems if your hash contains two unique-case keys, such as 'key' and 'KEY', because normalizing will stomp on one.
This time I would like to provide another solution: normalized -> store original key value pairs -> grab the original key who has larger value as the key for the difference.
According to what you described, this one does a pretty good job. The result is exactly what you've shown (key is not normalized in the final result, but depends on whose value is bigger).