Logcat is often not working, showing nothing. It's very unlivable. Restarting eclipse everytime it happens is too annoying. Is there anything I can do to solve it? Thanks
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Sometimes the Logcat is empty in Eclipse because the emulator doesn't have the focus. Go to the DDMS perspective and try clicking on the 'emulator' entry in the top-left screen.
Can be even more confusing if there's also a real G1 connected, then you have to choose from which one you want to see the output :)
Hope this helped.
I just always keep logcat open in my terminal instead of eclipse. Just navigate to your platform-tools folder and type
adb logcat
adb logcat
shows weird stuff and stops working after a while for no apparent reason: logcat.png. Eclipse restart and Android device restart doesn't help.however console:
adb logcat -c
does work.Sometimes you selected certain session filter by mistake. By showing the two-pane view of your LogCat you'll be able to check the active filter in the left-pane. I once fixed the empty LogCat by selecting "All messages".
Eclipse only has a limitted buffer to display the logcat. There's a little clear button somewhere on that page, I forget where. Press that, it will clear the logcat and start displaying again.
This also happens to me when I'm running both an avd in the emulator and usb debugging on a physical device. The avd will not give up focus, even though I'm loading the apk onto the device for debugging. I can fix by closing the avd.