How I do extend an linq expression whilst keeping it an expression? I've simplified this quite a bit (to avoid pasting pages) - .e.g I working with Queryable rather than Enumerable, but the solution for this will suffice, ultimately I need to keep it as an expression whilst adding a method call to it.
For exampleL
var p1 = new Person() {Name = "RDA1", Age = 27};
var p2 = new Person() {Name = "RDA2", Age = 28};
var p3 = new Person() {Name = "RDA3", Age = 29};
var people = new[] {p1, p2, p3};
Expression<Func<IEnumerable<Person>, IEnumerable<Person>>> filterExp
= list => list.Take(2);
Expression<Func<Person, int>> sortExp = l => l.Age;
MethodCallExpression orderByCallExpression = Expression.Call(
typeof (Enumerable),
new Type[] {typeof (Person), typeof (int)},
var combinedExpression = Expression.Lambda<Func<IEnumerable<Person>, IEnumerable<Person>>>
(filterExp.AddMethodCall(orderByCallExpression)); // made up AddMethodCall but you get the idea
I've searched dozens of SO posts for the past few hours and I can't seem to figure this out, I can do it if I compile filterExp but not without keeping both expressions and end result an expression.
First, you don't need to switch everything to
will let you use your test collection with expression trees:You were off to a good start, you just need to shift around what you're using where:
We use
to extractlist.Take(2)
as the first parameter toOrderByDescending
, then move thefilterExp
parameter to the lambda expression.I assume this is your intended usage?