I've found an issue with ASP.NET that I know at least has stumped one other person out there. We were trying to use an HttpModule to handle wildcard requests to a web application. The generated url is dynamic and could potentially be several hundred characters long. Unfortunately there appears to be a limitation in the aspnet_isapi.dll file that limits the length of the path in the url to MAX_PATH which is hardcoded at 260 chars.
Has anyone else ran into this and found a way around this limit? Query string parameters are not an option.
Thanks, Greg Ballard
The registry key UrlSegmentMaxLength can be used to increase the default Windows maximum of 260 characters per Url segment in incoming HTTP requests:
The maximum allowed value is 32766. If a larger value is specified, it will be ignored. (Credit: Juan Mendes)
More about http.sys settings: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/820129
Restarting the PC is required to make a change to this setting take effect. (Credit: David Rettenbacher, Juan Mendes)
Original source for this answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/7817739/12484